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MIDI Music Collection - Burn 1 (Karaoke).mid

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Burn 1 (Karaoke).mid
File size60 Kb
CopyrightCreated with KarMaker: [email protected]
Track 0
Deep Purple
Yan Gillan
[email protected]
Sequenced by >:< GEMAR
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
NameOrgano acc
Track 5
NameOrgano dbl
Track 6
NameOrgano solo
Track 7
Track 8
NameGtr main
Track 9
NameGtr solo 1
Track 10
NameGtr solo 2
Track 11
NameCls 2
Track 12
NameCls 1
Track 13
NameCanto 2
The sky is red, I don't un der stand,
past mid night I still see the land.
Peo ple are sayin' the wo man is damned, 
she makes you burn with a wave of her ha nd. 4
The ci ty's a blaze, the town's on fire.
The wo man's flames are rea ching higher. 
We were fools, we called her li ar. ј
All I hear is "Burn!" 
I didn't be lieve she was de vil's sperm.
She said, "Curse you all, you'll yane ver learn!
When I leave there's no re turn."
The peo ple laughed till she said, "Burn!" 
War ning came, no one cared.
Earth was sha kin', we stood and stared. 
When it came no one was spared. 
Still I hear is "Burn!" 
You know we had no ti me, 
we could not e ven tr y.
You know we had no time.

You know we had no ti me, 
we could not e ven tr y.
You know we had no time.
The sky is red, I don't un der stand,
past mid night I still see the land.
Peo ple are sayin' the wo man is damned, 
she makes you burn with a wave of her ha nd. sh
War ning came, no one cared.
Earth was shakin, we stood and stared. 
When it came no one was spared.
Still I hear is "Burn"
